Trash and Recycling
Rock Ridge has a new trash/recycle provider, HBS.
All trash must be placed inside these toters. Do not leave trash on the side of the toters, on the ground or on top of the toters, or in a separate trash can. Only the HBS toters will be emptied.
On your collection days (Monday and Thursday), all trash should be in the toters by 7:00 am.
The following items are prohibited from being placed in the toters: dirt, sod, rocks, hazardous waste of any kind, liquids of any kind including paint (unless opened and dried out), flammable materials such as oil, or gas, concrete, hot ashes, remodeling or demolition materials, tires, electronics, or any other material determined to be prohibited by state law.

A Recycle dumpster will be placed in a parking space (for the time being-until a permanent location has been determined) near the pool. We hope to get a second dumpster in the very near future. This is the only place to deposit recycling at this time. Recycling will not be picked up at the buildings. The recycle dumpster will be emptied on Fridays only. A list of permitted items to recycle is included.
If you have any questions, please visit the website or call 720-547-8600.
Recycle Dumpster Use
Acceptable: All white and colored paper, magazines, coated paper, folders-manila-coated or colored, adding machine tape, post-it notes, brochures, pamphlets, newspapers- including inserts, junk mail, envelopes, computer printouts, posters, all correspondence-direct mail, and all paperboard (cereal and soda boxes) or cardboard (even wax lined cardboard). Boxes must be broken down. #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, and #7 “washed out” plastics, Glass (colored or clear), aluminum, and tin cans (you may leave the labels on, but please remove the lids). Violators will be fined.